

A unique environment created to give the mind a quiet space, the body a place to rest and a way for the spirit to be FREE.

Watch The Video Below To Learn More


Floatation-REST (Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy) is also known as floatation therapy, floating or sensory deprivation. A practice renowned worldwide as having numerous health and wellness benefits.

The practice involves entering a safe environment where the body experiences zero gravity by becoming buoyant in approximately 10 inches of clean filtered water in a solution of 1,000 pounds of magnesium sulfate, otherwise known as Epsom Salts. The temperature of the water is set to the body's normal skin temperature.  As you lay in the water, your body floats effortlessly while all light and sound slowly fade away. It is through focusing on your breath (or nothing at all), that the brain naturally drifts into a dream-like theta state.

This natural therapy is backed by a continually increasing number of clinical proven publications. Floatation-REST has been shown to offer relief for a wide range of ailments and conditions in addition to being an incredibly relaxing experience that provides a powerful rejuvenating effect.


Modern society has created a situation where the human nervous system lives in a world of near-constant stimulation. Rarely does our brain and body have the opportunity to relax and disconnect from all this stimulation. As a result, chronic physical and mental health conditions have become ubiquitous, with over a quarter of the population suffering from pain, anxiety, depression, and other ailments exacerbated by stress. This revolutionary technology known scientifically as Floatation-REST or floatation therapy as we like to call it, appears to powerfully counter the deleterious effects of stress in modern life. 

Whether you're using a float practice as a tool for meditation, creativity or rest & recovery, there are a wide-range of benefits that are difficult to get anywhere else on Earth.



  • . Enhanced Healing & Recovery:

Floating increases circulation to extremities, promotes greater elimination of metabolic by products, decreases the forces of gravity to help promote greater muscular relaxation, and it can prevent adrenal fatigue.

  • Chronic Stressor Releif:

The tanks environment eliminates as much external input as possible. It lets your nervous system have a break. In a city with a constant buzz or hum, our systems rarely experience (if ever) the isolation and silence that the tank’s environment provides. Having this experience can be very refreshing, nourishing and healthy for our bodies and minds. We are well adapted for acute stress, however, for chronic stressors such as noise and air pollution; business, social, and family pressures; war; unemployment; street crime fear; general antagonism between the sexes; we are not well adapted and have been cited to be a cause of several forms of disease.

  • Relaxation Response:

The tank suppresses the functioning of the sympathetic nervous system which when active produces our ‘fight or flight’ response. And it then activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for relaxation, healing, replenishment, etc. Some physical symptoms of the relaxation response are decreased muscle tension, decreased blood pressure, decreased stress hormones, and increased endorphins.

  • Pain Management:

Arthritis, back pain, neck pain, tendinitis, bursitis, inflammation, and psychosomatic pain relief have all been documented via tank use.

  • Meditation:

Meditation has a plethora of researched benefits and floating is a unique and phenomenal tool to cultivate mental stillness. It often generates a sensation of being intensely awake yet extremely relaxed; presence. It can induce theta-state brainwaves and allows for one to remain conscious in this frequency instead of falling asleep. Floating may induce an altered state of consciousness.

  • Increased Immune Function:

Immune function is enhanced by suppressing stress hormones which not only weaken the immune system but also suppress the digestion and reproductive systems, affect regeneration processes, and decrease insulin sensitivity.

  • Heightened Senses:

Research indicates increased visual acuity, improved tactile perception, improved auditory sensitivity, and increased taste sensitivities after floating.

  • Musculoskeletal Awareness:

Floating decreases chronic muscle tension and creates greater awareness of less noticeable areas of muscle tension and imbalances. Although floating is not zero-gravity (like outer space), the density of the Epsom Salt solution does create the maximal amount of the forces of gravity to be dispersed across the greatest surface area of the body. Rigid postures and chronic muscular tension from daily life can cause ailments such as lower-back pain, neck pain, shallow breathing, high blood pressure, etc. The anti-gravity environment of the float tank disperses forces to the smallest amount and thus decreases the source of gravity-related stimulation to the minimum possible value providing relief to these specific areas.

  • Behaviour Modification:

Floating is a great way to bring greater awareness to various patterns of behavior. Floating has shown to have beneficial effects such as decreased anxiety and depression; increased calmness or sense of well-being; it has shown fantastic results towards anti-smoking assistance as well as positive effects on weight-loss programs.

  • Brain Synchronization:

After settling into the floating experience research has shown greater hemisphere synchronization (promoting greater communication between the right (creative-side) and left (analytical-side) lobes; the majority of people are left-dominated. Also, people experience increased vertical communication between the primitive reptilian brain, the limbic middle or mammalian brain and the conscious neocortex. These synchronizing reactions can cause elevated states of creativity, greater non-linear connections, and deeper realizations.

  • Poor Sleep & Insomnia:

From managing chronic stress and inducing a natural calm, to facilitating introspection and identifying various less-serving modes of thinking, many people report drastically improved sleeping abilities. The change in your physical state and your mental outlook may provide you with a healthier perspective in which to put your body and mind to rest much easier each night if sleeping is an issue. Also, 90 minutes in the tank can feel like 6-8 hours of sleep. It is extremely therapeutic, refreshing and rejuvenating. So if you pulled an all-nighter, suffer from insomnia or have a baby who never lets you sleep the night through, floating can help make up for any lack of sleep you may experiencing.

  • Introspection:

With literally zero outward distractions your attention is easily redirected inward. Habitual thought-pattern recognition and analysis can be clearly discovered, monitored, and addressed. Various forms of mental programming/reprogramming become very powerful tools to re-evaluate and change your thoughts with clarity and repetition.

  • Visualization:

The combination of being extremely relaxed while intensely awake allows techniques of visualization to become very powerful. From athletes preparing for competition to public speakers rehearsing a presentation, the tank can induce the calm needed to perform at ones best. Mental rehearsal research has shown it to be just as practical as physical rehearsal.

  • Super-Learning:

With the brain being held in a theta state wave-length the mind becomes hyper-suggestible. With less distractions and greater resources at its disposal the mind is able to absorb new material very deeply with research showing improved performance in memory and recall activities. It is great to use in conjunction with exam preparation.

  • Endorphins:

Floating and the relaxation response it induces flood the body with endorphins. These neurotransmitters are responsible for relieving us from pain, enhancing our mood (decreasing feelings of depression to potentially generating feelings of euphoria), they can suppress our appetite, and decrease anxiety leaving us in a calm and clear state of being.


  • Shaving:

For men, avoid shaving your face at least 6 hours before you float. For women, avoid shaving your body at least 12 hours before your float. Any lesions will be distracting due to the Epsom salt sting. We provide you with Vaseline to cover any minor cuts.

  • Hydration:

Being hydrated is always an important component to a healthy lifestyle. Be hydrated prior to your float.

  • Smoking:

Smoking just prior to the tank may be too much of a stimulant so try to avoid that. There have been studies that show floating, even irregularly, has been known to suppress cravings. However, you’ll need to figure out what the best formula is for you and your biochemistry.

  • Caffeine:

Definitely avoid having caffeine 4 hours before you float. The caffeine will stimulate your body and mind affecting your ability to relax and get the best out of the float experience. After your float you might be inclined to avoid the caffeine buzz altogether.

  • Eating:

It is best to not have a full stomach or a completely empty stomach. Have a meal that is easier to digest approximately 2 hours before your float.

  • Hair Dyes:

For guests with recently coloured hair or highlights, we recommend not floating until roughly one week or more after treatment. Dyes can (in some cases) bleed out or be affected by the heavy concentration of epsom salt. Please consult your hair stylist before floating.

  • Stacking:

We have found performing physical activity (Crossfit, yoga, cardio, or some resistance training) before you float can optimize the floating experience. Your body has expended pent-up energy, muscles and tissues are loose and flowing with blood, your mind is clear and calm. Combining floating to these states can potentially create a deeper state of meditation. Be sure to have a little snack (not junk food) post-activity and pre-float. Nuts, fruit, juice, or smoothies are good options. Just not too much.


  • Breathing:

Your breath can be an amazing tool for focusing, calming the mind, especially relaxing the body. Start by breathing through your nose and just observing the breath, don’t try to control it. This will help to quiet the chatter in the mind and allow you to really relax.

  • Letting Go:

Don’t “try to do” anything in the tank. Don’t expect anything other than feeling really, really, really good afterwards. Let go of all preconceptions of what you think the experience will be and just enjoy the ride. You’ll find it much easier to enjoy the scenery your mind presents to you rather than the other way around. If that doesn’t make sense now, it will in the float experience.

  • Sensitivity:

With external stimuli at a minimum, your nervous system will turn up the volume to try and sense anything. Since there is still “nothing” coming in there is a great opportunity to simply sense whatever is left to be felt within your internal body. Feel your arms, legs, torso, head, as intensely as possible. Cultivate as much sensitivity to these parts as possible. Feel the energetic uniformed consistency of these parts and observe them without judgment, without limits. Observe your thoughts, emotions and sensations.

  • Sensitivity:

When considering your position there should be three points in the forefront of your approach, Comfort, Body Awareness and Trust. Settle in to the tank, get comfortable, feel your muscles relax, your body slowly expand with each breath and trust the water to support your every cell. There is no wrong way to float! We cannot stress that enough. That being said, there are generally two default positions that people go with. One is arms above your head, palms up and the other is arms at your sides palms down. Again, these are not set in stone and the most important factor here is to be comfortable. Feel free to experiment. So if for you that means keeping your palms intertwined behind your head as if you were in a hammock, or possibly on your chest the way one might float in a pool in Palm springs, then great. Go for it. Just do you. Who’s gonna stop you? You’re going to bounce off the sides of the tank a little bit until you get the hang of it, no worries. Just don’t push yourself too hard off the sides or do much to get the water moving. The less the water moves, the easier it is to control your positioning. The easiest way to stabilize yourself is to brace yourself against the walls by extending your arms and legs to four points and slowly releasing them.


  • Schedule Post-Float Relaxation Time

Although sometimes the only hour you may have is during your lunch break at work, scheduling even an extra 5-10 additional minutes after your float to let your mind refocus can make a huge difference. Instead of rushing off to your next task, let your mind ease it's way back into the real world by giving it just a few extra minutes after each session.

  • Ease Back Into Technology

The last thing you need after an hour of relaxation is to read about your neighbor's latest drama on Facebook or listen to radio clip about our failing economy. When it comes to technology immediately after your float, either shut it off or turn the volume down.

  • Journal and Take Time to Reflect

It's important to acknowledge and write down how you're feeling for the next couple of days after your float session. Maybe you finally got a good night's sleep for the first time in a while, or you've noticed an improvement in your overall mood. Taking time to journal and reflect on your feelings will help you determine what's working in your floating routine (and maybe even what's not).

  • Build On Your Momentum

Learning to calm your mind and let go is a discipline that takes time and practice. By combining floating with other relaxation techniques at home such as deep breathing or guided meditations, you can begin take your relaxation to the next level and may even be able to achieve a feeling similar to a float outside of the tank.

  • Be Artistic

Feel free to grab an art journal and peruse other float inspired art or add your own! When was the last time you picked up a color pencil? Who knows, you might surprise yourself.


Starting out, for truly optimal results, floating 2-4 times a month for 2-3 months is a great way to dive into the practice. For those really keen, floating once a week is incredible.  

However, even 1-2 floats / month for 4-6 months is a great way to start


Many people can easily sink into the depths of a float session on their very first try. However, we are all formed by our life experiences a little differently and for others it make take 2-3 floats before a deeper connection is made, this is normal. It is in our experience that the floaters whom have a regular meditation/yoga practice grasp the learning curve of floating a lot faster. 

Once you've cleared your first 10 floats, done within one of the frequencies suggested above, you should be able to to see how floating can benefit you and your life.

Then typically 1-2 floats / month is a great place to be. Even taking little breaks is good and then coming back with greater intensity (e.g. 3 floats in 2 weeks) is excellent. 



STEP 1: Begin The Journey

Watch our intro video, ask any questions, and we'll take you to your private float room.


STEP 2: Set Intention

Choose Audio. By default, our soothing audio track will fade out after 10 minutes, but you can also play audio from your phone or bask in total silence.


STEP 3: Prepare

Shower, put in the provided wax ear plugs, and put vaseline on any scrapes or cuts. This is also a great moment to set an intention for your float.


STEP 4: Enter & Center

Step into the water nude or in your bathing suit if preferred, lay on your back, find a position that feels most comfortable, and try the neck cushion if you feel it’s needed.


STEP 5: Rejuve-Nation

Muscle tension will melt away and you'll lose track of where your body ends and the water begins. In these next 90 minutes you will be rejuvenating your mind, body and soul.



Experience FLOW STATE

Exit the water, shower, chill in our lounge area, share your experience, and bask in your new found state of FLOW.